About Blox

Our ultimate goal is to bring you the resources you need, want and love without having to go to dozens of websites and dealing with dozens of ads just to see the content you want.
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Introducing Blox

Life on the web, simplified. It's a bold statement with a lot to live up to, but as marketers, professionals and people who enjoy learning and reading about our favorite topics.

Most news, blogs & aggregate content sites only care about one thing, money and not the users' experience. Our goal is to change that through the approach it should be, focusing on the user first.

We want to bring the best parts of the world, marketing, life and the web to your door.

Life on the web, SIMPLIFIED

News, Professional Resources, Entertainment, Crypto & More

Previous images sourced from here

Cryptocurrency has been around for a bit but Bitcoin and other digital currencies are quickly becoming mass adopted all around the world as more and more people and businesses use it. We bring you information and resources to help you learn, use, and become better informed on all things crypto and opportunities to get your share of some for free.

We want you to find the information, resources and entertaining articles without the frustration and wasted time

Businesses often become known today through effective marketing. The marketing may be in the form of a regular news item or half column society news in the Sunday newspaper.

Original, Syndicated & Carefully Curated Content

Our content comes from many different sources including original articles by our staff and contributors, some of our clients as well as syndicated content. If you want to see your posts on Blox, email us at david@theprofessionallist.com for more information.

Our Amazing Team

Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action.

Previous images sourced from here

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Solon Phillips

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Solon is known for his award-winning storytelling, legal writing, and thorough representation of clients. He also achieves successful out-o

David Arndt

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Whether it’s leveraging AI-driven analytics, optimizing multi-channel campaigns, or pioneering new content formats, David’s ability to blend

Tristan Mayer

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Frank Serritella

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Read the works of Frank Serritella, an author and analyst providing deep insights into leadership, business dynamics, and industry shifts.
Blox News & the Professionalist bring you personal and professional resources to help you do better, be better, and stay informed.


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@fraywire works on Blox as the website admin. He sees the potential cryptography technology has for future businesses.